Prayer for the Intercession of the
Concepción Cabrera
Lay woman, mystic and apostle

Heavenly Father, in your goodness, may you grant me the graces I confidently ask for through the intercession of Blessed Concepción Cabrera, lay woman and mystic... (Mention your intentions).

Glorify her on earth so that all priests, religious and laity, inspired by her example, experience the desire to be transformed into your son Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim.  We ask this for the greater glory of the Holy   Trinity, the holiness in your Church and the building of your Kingdom. Amen.

If you receive a favor through the intercession of Blessed Concepción Cabrera,
please write your testimony and send an email to the Postulator of the Cause of Canonization:
Postulator of the Cause of Canonization of Blessed Concepción Cabrera


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