Life and Spirituality of Félix de Jesús Rougier

Risking the Future
Life and Spirituality of the
Venerable Félix de Jesús Rougier, M.Sp.S
by Ricardo Zimbrón L., M.Sp.S.







1859    December 17th, the Servant of God was born in Meilhaud, Auvergne, France; Diocese of Clermont-Ferrand (Summ 1. p. 21, par. 46)

1859    December 18th, baptized in the parish of Meilhaud. Received the names Benedict-Félix (Positio 1, p. 265, doc. 2)

1861   until 1865 lived with his parents in Rafayet, south of Meilhaud, Auvergne, France (Proc. Ap. Vol. 1, pp. 115)

1864    August 26th, his brother Manuel was born (Biography of Father Félix by P. Padilla, [henceforth Biography] Vol. I, p. 68).

1868    July 30th, his I brother Stanislaus was born (Biography Vol. I, p. 98).

1868    to 1872, the Servant of God boarded at the School of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, at Saint-Germain-Lembron, Auvergne (Proc. Ap. Vol.I,p.116).

1869    May 10th, First Communion of the Servant of God, at the Parish of Meilhaud (Positio super scriptis, Conspectus, p. 2).

1870    to 1872, lived with his parents in Breuil, Auvergne, France (Biography, Vol. I, p. 61).

1872    Went with his family to live in Les Iles, Auvergne, France (Biography, Vol. I, p.131).

1874    to 1878 studied high school at the Seminary-School of Le Puy, which he entered on April 10th (Summ I. p. 21, par. 47).

1878    September 24th, entered the novitiate of the Marist Fathers at Sainte-Foi-les-Lyons (Summ 1, p. 4, par. 5).

1879    September 24th, made his first profession in the Society of Mary (Summ 1. p. 23, par. 51.).

1879    to 1880, studied Philosophy in the Marist Scholasticate of Belley, France, near the Swiss border (Biography, Vol. I, p. 155).

1880    to 1882, taught at St. Joseph School, Toulon, France (Biography, Vol. I, p. 164).

1880    September 5th, received the clerical tonsure (Positio 1. p. 285, Doc. 5).

1882    March 17th, the Servant of God met Don Bosco (Summ. 1, p. 101, par. 258).

1882    December 17th, received Minor Orders (Positio 1. p. 285, Doc. 5).

1882    to 1884, Prefect of Discipline at the Marist Boarding School of La Seyne (Biography, Vol. I, p.175).

1883    February 2nd, Perpetual vows in the Society of Mary (Positio 1. p. 284, Doc. 4,b).

1883    February 17th, received the Subdiaconate at Toulon (Positio 1. p. 285, Doc. 5).

1884    October, begins theological studies at the Marist Scholasticate in Barcelona, Spain (Biography, Vol. I, p. 194).

1886    April 10th, was ordained a Deacon in Barcelona, Spain (Positio. 1,p. 285, Doc. 5).

1887    September 24th, was ordained a Priest in the city of Lyon, France (Positio 1. p. 285, Doc. 5).

1887    September, was named Professor of Sacred Scripture at the Marist Scholasticate in Barcelona, Spain (Summ 1. p. 24, par. 55).

1891   was appointed Director of the Marist Apostolic School in Barcelona, Spain (Biography, Vol. J, p. 216).

1892    from October 18th to 21st, participated in the National Catholic Congress of Seville, Spain. Presented a paper on Egyptology as it relates to Sacred Scripture (Biography, Vol. 1, p. 211).

1895    July 12th, was sent to Colombia (Summ 1, p. 24, par. 55).

1895   November 17th, settled with his community in Neiva, Colombia (Positio super scriptis, Conspectus, p. 3).

1897    January, was named Superior of the Community of Ibague and Superintendent of the Community in La Neiva, Colombia (Biography, Vol. II, p. 63).

1899    April 12th, saintly death of the mother of the Servant of God in Les lIes, France (Biography, Vol. II, p. 131).

1899    October 18th, the revolution known as the "Three Years War" broke out in Colombia (Summ. 1, p. 24, par. 56).

1899    April 28th, Bishop Esteban Rojas, Ordinary of the place, named the Servant of God Assistant Vicar General (Positio 1. p. 286, Doc. 7).

1900    February 16th, the Servant of God named Administrator and Chaplain of the Military Hospital (Biography, Vol. II, p. 143).

1900   from the 16th to the 23th of April preached Spiritual Exercises to the Clergy (Biography, Vol. II, p. 146).

1900   June 19th, the Commander General of thc First Division of Tolima named the Servant of God military Chaplain (Biography, Vol. II, p. 141).

1900    the Servant of God promoted the work of charity "Bread of St.- Anthony", which he had founded (Biography, Vol. II, p. 146).

1900    November 30th, ordered by the Superior General of the Marists to leave Colombia (Biography, Vol. II, p.158).

1901    December 9th, the Marists left Colombia for good and go to Mexico (Biography, Vol. II, p. 169).

1902    February 10th, the Servant of God and his fellow Marists arrived in Mexico. He was appointed Marist Viceprovincial in Mexico and Pastor of the French Parish in Mexico City (Summ 1, p. 24, par. 56).

1903    February 4th, meeting of Father Félix with the Venerable Servant of God, Concepción Cabrera de Armida (Summ 1. p. 25, par. 57).

1903    April 9th, calling of the Servant of God to found the Congregation of the Religious of the Cross (Biography, Vol. III, p. 23).

1903    June 13th, the Servant of God, Mrs. Armida asked Father Félix to be her Spiritual Director (Biography, Vol.JlI, p. 42).

1903    Father Félix participated in the resurgence of the Sisters of the Cross of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Biography, Vol. III, p. 41).

1904    July 15th, the Servant of God traveled to France to speak with his General Superior about the Religious of the Cross (Summ. 1, p. 24, p.56).

1904   August to September 1909, time of waiting and trial for the Servant of God in Barcelona, Spain (Summ. 1, 24, par. 56).

1905    March 25th, death of Father Antonio Martin, General Superior of the Society of Mary (Biography, Vol. III, p. 139).

1905    August 13th, election of new General of the Society of Mary, Father Juan Raffin (Biography, Vol. III, p. 143).

1908    because he had been sick since February, during the months of July and August, I the Servant of God was sent to recuperate to La Bourboule, Auvergne, France. There he held several interviews with Father Juan Raffin, new General Superior of the Marists (Biography, Vol. III, p. 182-4).

1909    September, the Servant of God at Saint-Chamond, France (Summ 1, p. 24, par. 56).

1911    April 11th, the Servant of God went to Rome with the permission of his Superiors. He met with Cardinal Vives, Prefect of the Congregation of Religious (Biography, Vol. III, pp. 221 and following).

1911    Several Mexican Bishops wrote to the Pope asking his permission to establish the Congregation of the Religious of the Cross and for the return of Father F6lix (Biography, Vol. III, p. 246).

1913    The Servant of God, Bishop Ramon Ibarra y Gonzalez, in his own name and that of several other Bishops, requested from the Holy See permission to establish the Religious of the Cross. Pope Pius X granted the request on December 16 changing the name to missionaires of the Holy Spirit. (Positio 1. p. 287, Doc. 8).

1914    January 17th, Father Juan Raffin, General Superior of the Society of Mary, lent Father Félix for two years to be in charge of the foundation of the missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Biography, Vol. III, p.265).

1914    August 14th, the Servant of God arrives at Veracruz, Mexico (Biography, Vol. III, p. 273).

1914    December 25th, founding of the missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Summ 1. p. 80, par. 195).

1916    March 7th, the permission was renewed for two more years (Positio 1. p. 288, Doc. 9).  

1917    February 1st, death of Msgr. Ramon Ibarra, Archbishop of Puebla, Mexico, Protector of the Works of the Cross and first missionary of the Holy Spirit (Biography, Vol. III, p. 308).

1917    February 4th, first Profession of the first two religious of the Congregation (Biography, Vol. III, p. 314).

1918    March 20th, the permission was renewed for two more years (Positio 1. p. 289, Doc. 9c) .

1918    August 18th, the missionaries of the Holy Spirit took charge of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Tacubaya, D.F. (Proc. Ap., Vol. 1, p. 186).

1919    December 8th, establishment of the first Apostolic School in Tlalpan, D.F. (Proc. Ap., Vol. I, p. 156).

1919    Establishment of the Scholasticate of Philosophy and Theology in Tlalpan, D.F. (Summ 1. p. 82, par. 201).

1919   December 13th, arduous trip of the Servant of God to France and Belgium in response to an urgent request of the Greville family (Biography, Vol. III, pp. 348 and ff).

1920   May 6th, religious profession of the principal collaborators of the Servant of God (Biography, Vol. III, p. 372).

1920    month of June, Pope Benedict XV granted a new permission to the Servant of God, "ad quinquennium sed non ultra" (Summ 1. p. 32, par. 74).

1920    October 29th, establishment of a Residence in Morelia (Summ 1. p. 32, par. 74).

1921   August to October, another trip of the Servant of God to Europe due to urgent problems of the Greville family. Visit to his General Superior (Biography, Vol. IV, pp. 41 and ff).

1922   1st of August, death of John Ruffin, Superior General of the Society of Mary (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 65).

1923    August 11th, Father Ernesto Rieu was elected new General Superior of the Society of Mary (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 65).

1924    January 12th, founding of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in San Luis Potosi, Mexico (Proc. Ap. Vol. 1, p. 178).

1924    October 12th, the Servant of God succeeded in having Mexico consecrated to the Holy Spirit (Biography, Vol. IV, pp. 28 and ff)

1925   January 9th, Father Ernest Rieu granted the Servant of God permission to change from the Society of Mary to that of the missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Positio 1. p. 280, Doc. 10a).

1925   June 11th, trip of the Servant of God to France, Belgium, England and Italy to deal with important matters (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 76 and ff).

1925   September 11th, saintly death of the father of the Servant of God (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 82 and ff).

1925    December 16th, the Servant of God agreed to take charge of the Church of Santa Clara, in Mexico City (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 115.)

1925    December 28th, the Servant of God agreed to take charge of the Santuario de los Remedios in the Archdiocese of Mexico (now Tlalnepantla) Proc. Ap., Vol. I, p. 256).

1926    February 9th, the Holy See issued an indult for the change of the Servant of God from the Society of Mary to the Congregation of the missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Positio 1. p. 291, Doc. 10b).

1926    March 28th, the Servant of God made perpetual vows as a missionary of the Holy Spirit (Positio 1. p. 293, Doc 10d).

1926    The Servant of God established a House of Studies in Rome (Summ 1..p.32, par. 74).

1926    Founding of a community in Havana, Cuba (Summ 1. p. 32, par. 34).

1929   May, the Servant of God agreed to take charge of the lnterdiocesan Seminary, Castroville, Texas, USA. (Proc. Ap., Vol. 11, p. 156).

1929    June 29th, establishment of a Home for Priests (Biography, Vol. IV p. 295).

1930    September 15th, founding of the Guadalupana missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Biography; Vol. lV, p. 433).

1931   December 7th, the missionaries of the Holy Spirit take charge of the National Expiatory Church of San Felipe de Jesús, in Mexico City (Biography, Vol. IV, pp. 325 and ff).

1931    December 12th, Decretum Laudis and temporal approval of the Constitutions (Proc. Ap., Vol. 1, p. 151).

1932    from May 15th to 23rd, first General Chapter of the Congregation. The Servant of God was unanimously elected General Superior (Summ 1, p. 81, par. .198).

1936    May 28th, establishment of a Residence in Celaya, Gto. (Summ 1. p. 65, par. 156).

1936    October 25th establishment of a Residence in San Luis Potosi, SLP (Summ 1. p. 32, par. 74).

1937    March 3rd, saintly death of the Servant of God Concepción Cabrera de Armida in Mexico City (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 479).

1937    September 24th, Golden Jubilee of the ordination of the Servant of God (Proc. Ap., Vol. I, p. 255).

1937    from the 17th to the 23rd of October, Second General Chapter. The Servant of God unanimously reelected General Superior (Summ. p. 81, par. 198).

1937    December 11th, establishment of a Residence in Saltillo, Coahuila, (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 345).

1937    December 12th, foundation of the Oblate Sisters of Jesus Priest (Proc. Ap., Vol. I, p. 315).

1938    January 10th, holy death of the Servant of God in Mexico City (Positio 1. Doc 11).

1938    February 8th, solemn funeral service at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, on the hill of Tepeyac (Biography, Vol. IV, p. 493).

1955    to 1958, Introduction to the Process of Beatification of the Servant of God in the Archbishopric of Mexico (Decretum Introductionis Causae, p. 4).

1974    February 15th, Decretum super revisione scriptorum Servi Dei.

1981    December 15th, Decretum super Introductione Causae.

1982   June 21st to August 11th, 1984, initiation of the Apostolic Process in the Archbishopric of Mexico.

1986    February 27th, Decretum de validitate processuum.

2000    July 1st, Declared Venerable by John Paul II.




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